



              “The end product of education should be a free creative man , who can battle against historical circumstances and adversities of nature” said Dr. S Radhakrishnan, who was a great  Teacher. At HayagrivaVidhyashram , we , the entire teaching faculty, ably guided by the Hayagriva Educational Trust members are strenuously working towards this goal. The fundamental approach is not just giving education, but to go one step forward towards developing the students into good citizens and persons contributing to the society as they grow.

                 Let me have the privilege of taking you along with me for a pleasant journey to observe the activities of our school.              

Established in 2002, our school has been growing steadily in strength and infrastructure. We regularly conduct programson supporting all students to reach their full potential academically, socially and emotionally. In this process many spiritual heads have visited the school on various occasions.EmbarGeeyarswamigal, Sangarachariyar of Kanchi Matt,Aandavanswamigal,SwamiMoktchanandaof Sruti Kendra I take this opportunity to offer our pranams and I also seek their blessings.

I take this opportunity to thank Almighty for his abundant blessings and management for the guidance and parents and teachers for their co-operation and support.We focus on the holistic development of the student and so we have planned all our yearly activities accordingly

Academics is the back bone of every institution. Our prime goal is to prepare the students to be competent enough to take up the next level of examination.

We have sent FIVE batches of 10th standard for All India Secondary School   Examination (AISSE) conducted by CBSE board and getting cent percent results every year. Our students come out with flying colours.we congratulate our teachers for their tireless efforts and I thank our management for their encouragement and support.

“Today’s children are future leaders. Leadershipis about the art of motivating, influencing and directing people so that they work together to achieve the goals of an organization. It’s important for students to experience leadership opportunities during their schooling.they learn the art of building relationships within teams designing identities and achieving tasks effectively. They improve effective communication and interpersonal skills and team culture.

“We start our academic year in the month of April and,We conductthe election for the students council members.


Four house leaders:

Jasmine : PRADEESH-  X Std

Sunflower : SIDDESHWAR- X Std



The students and teachers are divided into four houses and each house is given a chance to organize a school event. And the leaders exercise their leadership skills and conduct the events in the best possible ways .The theme are displayed on the Bulletin boards too.

Indian culture is among the world ‘s oldest and we Indians are proud of our culture. In our country , it is traditional to respect elders be truthful and honest and also to help each other in needs. In order to expose our children to the rich heritage of India, we celebrate festivals like GURUPOORNIMA, GANESHCHATHURTHI, KRISHNA JAMMASTAMI, DHASARA, DIWALI AND PONGALin the traditional manner.

I would list the salient features of these celebrations in our school

1. On the Gurupoornima day the students do “padhapooja” to their teachers.
2. On the Jammashtammi day we can see myriad of Krishna’s and Radhas.
3. On the Ganeshchathurthi day the students worship the beautiful idol of Vinayaka and perform the pooja andtake the prasadam.
4. During Dasara a beautiful “Kolu” or the doll display is done and the thamboolam is given to parents and teachers.
5. Mother is the first living God for anybody.Mothersare worshiped on the MathruPooja day.
6. Diwali is celebrated as festival of lights and children share sweets among them.
7. Every year we celebratePongalvery grandly in our school This year it was done in a different way involving more parents' participation.  We celebrated pongal on 10.1.19  in the most traditional manner to give an exposure  of a village to our children The different varieties of  Pongal was prepared at the open ground by the parents  with  great enthusiasm .They also put Rangoli  and kolam all around .The group of folk artists grabbed everybody's attention by their music and dance .To add more fun there were Bullock cart rides and games like uriadi ,and sarukkumaram and a grand  common lunch. In the eveningthere was apattimandram by TV fame  PulavarRamalingam and his party. The celebration was very grand and even the general public from Sriperumbudhur participated..


Schools have the responsibility to inculcatepatriotism among the students. They should understand the sacrifices, soldiers’stories, unmatched sacrifices and their utmost strength in keeping the securities of India first in all circumstances. So as to help in sculpting India’s future we celebrateIndian Independence day on August 15th,Republic day on 26th Jan

Salient features:

1. Regular singing of VandeMathram, during the morning assembly

2. Children present cultural programs on these days.

Inter and Intra school competitions

We look at competitions in a healthy manner. Competitions play a role in motivating the students to perform and excel, offer a lot more reward than just winning a prize. The students gain substantial knowledge experience, showcase the skills and develop their ideas.We conduct competitions for all the classes from KG to X like Essay, Drawing, Colouring, Thiurukkural Recitation , Story telling ,talent tests, Projects, Music etc to mention a few. Keeping our objectives in mind we give equal chances for all the students to participate. We send the students for interschool competitions also-Like Times of India essay and drawing competitions Annual Gita chanting, Fasscompetitions,IMCTF competitions,.It has become regular that our students perform very well and bag prizes.

We send the children also for National level talent tests in science, drawing ,Handwriting, Olympiad exams ,Spell bee competitions etc.

We congratulate the winners of these competitions for the year 2018-19

Avatika Essay Writing Competition

1. K Saindhaevi of class IX –Gold Medalist
2. Vinith of VIII –Gold medalist

Colouring Competition

1. Vigneshwaran of V- B-Gold Medalist
2. Sadhanasree of class VIII - Gold Medalist
3. S.PadmaPriya of class IX Gold Medalist

Dinamalar Quiz Competition Winners:-

1. S.Pradeesh of class X
2. K.Manoharan of class VIII

Indian talent olympaid

1. PadmaPRiya of class IX &A.Ramya of class V are the state toppers.
2. Few other obtained gold medals AKshay of class III in NEIT ,
> 3. Gnanalakshmi of class V in NKIT,NMIT,NSIT,
4. Kaviya G of class II in NMIT
5. and K.Bavitha of class IV in NMIT

And few more competition are to be held and few more results are awaited for this academic year 2018-2019

Our Students participated in the Guinness world record dance shows

Our Children participated in mass Gita chanting and Vishnu SahasraNama chanting organized by Vishnu sahasranamamandali.

Our children regularly contributed articles for Times NIE a national daily.

Our students participated and presented70 projects in the RIT Science EXPO 2018-19 and came up to the


Excursions,picnic and school educational field trips

School excursions are an important and effective means of motivating students. and engaging them in active learning expresses they are a welcome break in the routine for both students and teachers.This year we took them to Chennai to places like Rail museum, Ramanujanmuseum,Birlaplanitorium,Guindy Park etc.

Club Activity

Throughout the year the various clubs functioning in the school are very active.

English club conducted elocution and essay competitions

Tamil Club : The Tamil Debate on why  festivals in present times

The dramatic club conducted inter house dramatic competitions

In all these competitions distinguish chief guest were invited for judging the students’ performance.

Workshops and seminars:

In service education is an integral part of professional development. Teachers are sent to seminars and workshops conducted by various agencies. The Principal conducts capacity building programs as a resource person for CBSE for Principal,teachers and students

Inclusive Education :

Inclusive education is an approach to educating students with special needs. Ourschool considers this as a social commitment. We in Hayagriva School give equal importance to children who require special training. They are trained by special educators till they become comfortable.

Supporting CBSE

We join hands with CBSE and give an able support for all activities of concerning students’ welfare and training. We conduct programs for “SAVE WATER”, VIGILANCE AWARENESS,GO GREEN AND SAY NO TO PLASTIC, CONSERVATION OF ENERGY, SWATCH BHARAT and BHARATH AKE KHOJ.Our Cultural program today is directed  towards this initiatives and we have tried to bring about the glories of “Bharath” our Motherland with over 750 children. On the theme YekamAnekam


Yoga is a master plan for healthy and peaceful life.Yoga is an exact science.It aims at the harmonious development of body mind and soul. Yoga brings in perfection peace and everlasting happiness..  We have regular yoga classes. Children are trained to do Asana,Pranayama and meditation besides trainings they are send for competitions. On June 21stInternational yoga day was observed in school.KalaimaamaniBaskaran international yoga champion was the chief guest. He demonstrated and taught few asana to the children.

G S Harini of class X

T.Sanjay Kumar of class X

M.Arun Kumar of class V

T.Gurunath of class V

Dhanushree of class VI

G S Moulie of class VI

T.Yuvaraj of class VI got District level prizes in Karate

Dhanushri of class VI  got State level prizes in Yoga.

T.Sanjaykumar of class VIII got District level prizes in Yoga.


Silambam is a traditional art of Tamilnadu.We have introduced Silambam in our school and children are trained by an eminent silambam master.

Physical education

We give equal importance to sports and physical and health education. Our children excel in sports and games too. Our students represented  our school  in state level and district level matches for Kho-Kho,Kabadi and Athletics.

Pre Primary level

We provide a stress free learning environment for pre primary classes focusing on phonics and activities beyond text books.We expose them to lot of cultural programs with an aim to promote a holistic  development for the children.

Events to come:

We have planned for few more event and activities for the academic year 2017-2018 like school sports day,PongalCelebration, RepublicDay,Kids show, graduation day to mention few and.

We thank the Hayagriva Education Trust, for their guidance and creative ideas . They gave their total support which made us to march in the right direction in our work with dedication and improvement and make teaching and learning a joyful experience.

                We thank all the head of departments and staff members for their excellent work. We appreciate the office staff, drivers and sub staffs for their untiring work and timely support in all our endeavours. Our thanks to all parents, who provided whole hearted support.

I pray Sri Ramanujar and Hayagrivar that our journey should continue smoothly and successfully.